Friday 21 December 2012

Magazine Amendments and Improvements

To improve my front cover I put a thicker cream stroke around my main coverline to make sure that it stood out hich i also changed the byline of as it felt more appropriate and linked better to the main image.. I also changed the smaller cover lines to  a burgundy colour to ensure that they stood out more as I felt that the black text did not show up very well on top of my cover image. I also moved around these cover lines and added an extra one to fill a sizable gap. I changed the colour of my corner section which says "Your Guide To.." as the navy blue that it was blended to well with the other colours making it less noticable. I also made the textin this area more abstractly sized and placed to make it more eye catching and to give it an interesting feel. I finally changed the artists listed after "Plus" to a white text as it stands out more.

I added a coloured bar across the top of my contents page to allow my color scheme to become more apparent and so that my pictures were lowered down a little as I changed my top image, removed one of the centre images and moved them around to fit correctly on the page. I changed my contact details section to a smaller blue bar to allow me to resize and move around my images and lower my "Regulars" section. I also mde amendments to my list of contents to fit the changes I made to the coverlines on my front cover.

For the first part of my Double Page Spread I removed the part of the title which said "23 Fake Street" to allow me to make the title of the article larger and as the headline connoted the bands name anyway it was uneccesary. I removed the part of the stand first that was crediting me for the photos and the words as it was already included in the actual standfirst rather than just after I indented both sides of the paragraph so that the words were clearly visible. This meant I could make the coloured box thinner and so could move the text up and make it fit better.

\For the second part of my double page spread I made sure there was one main image rather than there being a few squashed which made it look less professional. I also moved the quote to the centre of the text so that it was centred and it stood out more and made my area of text more exciting instead of it just being a block of text.

On all my pages i added the date onto the page number and magazine title section so people knew what issue they were reading.

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